Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 5-Love is Not Rude

They say you learn what you live.  A lot of us have a variety of definitions of rude. The key definition of rudeness is to act in an irritating, embarrassing, or unbecoming manner. In other words your actions make it uncomfortable for other people to be around you.

I would say this is me on PMS. But you know what else I realized? I was bitchy other times as well. If he says something or does something I don't like I am more than likely going to snap at him. This chapter inspired me to look at the way I treat my family versus the way I treat strangers. It's not easy to be around people 24/7 without butting heads but why is it that we treat people we just met with the utmost kindness and consideration? It just goes to show that the words "I can't control myself" is a line of dog doody. I mean really? Do we brush off perfect strangers? We offer them a glass of tea or coffee when they come to visit and when our husbands ask us to get something for them we're all "Get it yourself."

Today's challenge is more difficult for me than the other's have been. Suck it up and do it.

Today's Challenge: Ask your husband what 3 things that you do that make him uncomfortable or irritated with you. Don't get all crazy about justifying it. Just ask, listen and adjust. Don't pop off at him.


  1. I've just started the Love Dare too and I can tell it will definitely take me a bit longer than "40 days" to get through it. ;-) I just finally saw Fireproof last week after four years of "meaning to get around to it".

  2. I have a hard time staying focused. It's almost like I'm sabotaging myself. So I'm back at it and hoping that this will encourage others to jump in as well.
