Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 4: Love is Thoughtful

I'll be the first to raise my hand and say that I cannot count the number of times I didn't realize that my husband was out of clean underwear or that we were going to have canned soup for dinner because I looked up from my sleep deprived zombie-like stance on the couch to discover that it was 6 or even 7pm. Now this happened more when my kids were little. Balancing a household with 3 kids under the age of 5 with no family nearby and a husband that works 70+ hours a week can leave you a little crazy.

Now that mine are older I've realized that not doing whatever I've said I was going to do is plain thoughtless. As in I don't put enough effort and thought into getting my "job" done. My husband expects me to do that as a sign of our partnership just like I expect him to support us financially. I know that's not the norm but that's the way we work.

So back to thoughtful, during our early relationship I would make it an effort to plan a special meal during the week. Granted it seemed easier at 20 working 2 jobs then it does at 36 with 4 kids. The point is not how easy it was. The point is that I thought of him during the day or the week and planned something for him to enjoy. And while I am going to perform today's challenge as something small I will admit that I am planning something bigger for our anniversary. 15 years is no small accomplishment in today's marriage world.

Today's Challenge: Contact your husband during the day today just to ask how they are doing and if they need anything or if you can do anything for them.

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