Friday, June 22, 2012

My Ultimate Goal

I've been trying to complete this Love Dare for over a year now. I get maybe two weeks into it then fall flat. So I'm going to journal it here and maybe help out a few other people along the way. The Love Dare is a book that is a 40 day challenge for one or both people to fix their marriage. My husband is not quite the fix it/counseling type person so I'm going this alone.

My ultimate goal is to have a renewed relationship at the end of this 40 days. It just so happens that this is just in time for my 15th wedding anniversary. The perfect time to fall in love with my husband all over again.

Now to let you know, the past 15 years have been anything but roses and romance. As a matter of fact, it was just a few years ago we were discussing no longer being married. We've come a long way since then but every little bit  helps.

Whether you have a good marriage or the world is falling apart around you, the Love Dare may be just what you need. It's about discovering the true meaning of unconditional love.

I only hope that along my journey, someone else is given hope and healing. I send up this prayer for anyone who reads my words.

May the creator of the universe fill your heart with peace and joy and show you how changing your own heart can change the hearts of those around you.

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