Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Falling Off the Love Dare Wagon

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I did something silly after starting the Love Dare. I decided to allow my children to use my computer first thing in the morning for about a week. The first few days I wrote out my Love Dare posts by long hand in a notebook. Lost the notebook. It wasn't long before I fell by the wayside and stalled in my desire to enhance my marriage. I am not really much better off than when I started and I am somewhat dismayed because I really wanted to be at a better place when my 15th anniversary came up. So here I am. My anniversary is about 2 weeks away and I am still on week two of the Love Dare.

The good news is that God lets up pick up where we left off and move forward. So I am going to post the days that I completed but didn't get the opportunity to type up and simply date them after this post. I apologize for anyone that was following me and then I disappeared.

I look forward to seeing the changes that God has in store for me, my marriage and my family. I hope you will jump in and join me.

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