Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 11 Cherish Your Spouse

When we've been in a frustrating marriage long enough we tend to turn inward. It's no longer about the other person, it's about us. Cherishing someone means putting in the work that is required to keep the relationship healthy and happy. When your old car starts to fall apart and costs more to maintain or repair than it's worth you trade it in for a new one. If a blanket/quilt that your great grandmother made gets a tear then you repair it, you keep it safe. So is your spouse like a car that needs to be replaced or are they in need of being cherished?

Once I took a good look at the fact that I have quite often thought of my husband as someone I should trade in for a "better" model I also realized that splitting up wouldn't solve anything. I had to change my thinking and learning to cherish my spouse is yet another step that I need to embrace.

Today's challenge: Act out a gesture that says "I cherish you"

This may sound silly, but as domestically challenged as I have been over the last 10 years, I have decided to embrace keeping up the piles of laundry, pack his lunch and make sure dinner is on the table when he gets home.

Yeah this sounds rather June Cleaver but hubby will be happy with it.

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