Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 10 Loving Unconditionally

So if any of your spouse's are like mine, they think that the behavior over the last few days/weeks is strange but may not actually believe that it will be a permanent change. This has started a little bit of resentment on my end because I am making an effort. Unfortunately I get the not so subtle "how long will this phase last" sort of look.

Just when I'm getting ready to smack him in the head "Snap out of it!" I come across day 10. Once again the higher power knows just what to say to you when you need it.

Unconditional love says it all. This sort of love comes from spiritual strength and not from human strength. Marriage cannot be ruled by whether or not you are awesome friends or having great sex (or not having sex). You love because you choose to; not because they are acting lovable. If you have kids then you know all about this. They may be throwing temper tantrums or throwing around teen hormones and somehow you still love them. I have four kids so we have approached virtually every stage at this point.

I am now challenged to use that same unconditional love towards my husband. He was chosen for me and I have to trust that decision. As much as I can't help wondering:  How can I show love towards my hubby even if he isn't returning it in the way I am hoping for? I have to move forward into unconditional love.

The Challenge: To do something out of the ordinary to prove that I am choosing to love and not here out of obligation.

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