Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 8: You Can't Be Jealous of Their Success

Ok so the actual Love Dare title is Love is Not Jealous but this sounded so much more in your face. The very idea is that we are often jealous of our spouse's hobbies, success at work, or maybe even the way the kids listen to them. Come on, admit it. You really never actually wanted to say "Wait til your father gets home", right? You really just want the kids to show you the same respect they do him. Or maybe he is getting praise and promotions at work while you're the one cleaning up dog poop and kid vomit and you're wondering when you are going to get a shower. Who's there to tell YOU "good job, well done"?

Guess what? True love isn't about being jealous of what they have or who they are. It's about being his biggest cheerleader. Yes I  have as hard of a time with this as the next person. I mean after all, I don't get an award for having dinner on the table every night.

It's not about me. I have a hard time swallowing that. I think it stems from childhood where I have always had to speak up in order to be heard and not ignored. In reality, sometimes we have to take a step back and let them have their moment to shine so that we can get rid of the selfishness and the resentment.

Today's challenge: Focus on your hubby's success, say a prayer for their continued health and take a match to that list of negative things you wrote yesterday. Make sure you do this in a bowl or near the sink or something. You want the list to burn, not the curtains.

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