Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 6- Love is Not Cranky Er Irritable

You know you've been there. You're husband is complaining about something and you are instantly defensive. He may even have a relevant complaint or problem but you are already so high strung that the smallest comment sends you into a ranting lunatic.

I'm the one in the back raising my hand. This chapter asks: Are you a calm breeze in your home or a storm waiting to release it's torrential wind and rain down upon your spouse?

More often than not I have been the backbuilding tornado just waiting for an optimal place to land. Why is that? Because my husband should understand what I go through in a day! Because he shouldn't complain that  there isn't any clean underwear or that I threw together some spaghetti at the very last minute because I just had too much to do!!!

I have the same 24 hours in a day as everyone else. So why does my "to-do" list NEVER get finished unless it is something I truly desire to do? Because I spend the day trying to do the things I want to do and not what needs to be done. The things that need to be completed to take care of my family fall by the wayside and I end up re-acting instead of being proactive. This results at being irritable most of the time and resentful of being asked why basic things are not completed.

In short, I AM SELFISH. This is a very hard thing for me to admit. I stay stressed 90% of the time because I choose to watch a television show or sleep in or take a nap or read a book instead of taking care of what needs to be done now to head off any complaints or shortages.

This chapter attacked something that I would rather not admit. It pointed out something that brought home it's not the kids fault for complaining about when is lunch. It's not hubby's fault that he is upset that he has to step over a pile of laundry in the bathroom because I haven't "had time to do it". In all honesty if I sit down and plan out my day. There is plenty of time to get it done.

If I truly love my husband and my children then I will save television, books and sleeping for certain times of the day and only AFTER my responsibilities are taken care of. After all, I am a work at home mom who's job is to take care of my family and my home. If I had a job outside the home I wouldn't be able to sleep on the job.

Choose to react to your day with love instead of irritation. Look at your daily schedule to see how you can reduce stress and selfishness in your life. Look at your motivation behind your schedule if necessary.

1 comment:

  1. I am actually currently doing the Love Dare myself and it seems to take me a week to accomplish just one day. ;-) (I am currently on Day 4). I did a search on "Love Dare Blogs" out of curiosity and found this one. Anyway, this particular post really hit home for me. I always feel I can never get everything accomplished either; I always feel overwhelmed. I stay home with the kids during the day and work nights part time, but deep down even if I stayed home all the time I know I would still struggle. "Time management" has never been my strong point. Good luck to you!
